What SHOULD students DO when riding the van?
- Always cooperate with all van drivers, including substitutes.
- Follow the directions given by the van driver and be respectful.
- When waiting at a van stop, wait in a line that starts well back from the curb.
- If crossing a street to or from a school van, cross only in front of the stopped van when the STOP paddle is out and red lights are flashing.
- If crossing the street at an intersection, cross with the green light and WALK signal.
- Get on or off the van only when it is completely stopped.
- If the van driver asks a student to sit in a particular seat, the student should follow that request.
- Sit in only one seat; do not save seats for others.
- Stay in your seat always while the van is moving.
- Keep the aisles of the van clear.
- Help keep the van clean by keeping waste paper off the floor.
- Get off the van only at your assigned stop.
- If you are using a cell phone, use it appropriately so that it does not create a disturbance for the driver or other students. Always use headphones.
- In the morning, be at your stop ten minutes before the scheduled pick-up time. (Vans will not wait for students who are not present).
- In the morning, form a line that starts well back from the curb.
- Afternoon dismissal; walk quickly to your van. Vans depart 10 minutes after the van rider’s dismissal. (If students miss the van, the parent/guardian will need to pick them up from school.)
- Only leave the van at your designated stop.
What SHOULD students NOT DO when riding the van?
- Do not stand when the van is moving.
- Do not place any part of your body outside the van windows (including hands, arms, and head).
- Do not bring anything onto the van that is heavy, sharp, or bulky or could affect the safety of other van riders. (This includes skateboards, bikes, sticks, breakable containers, pins sticking out from clothing, or anything flammable.)
- Do not eat or drink in the van.
- Do not bring matches or tobacco in the van.
- Do not open windows, unless you have permission from the van driver.
- Do not take photos or videos of students or the driver without their permission.
- Weapons, including knives and guns, are strictly prohibited. There is a zero-tolerance policy on weapons. Profanity, racial slurs, bullying or harassment of other students or the driver is not tolerated.