What to do with our cell phones?
- The use of a cell phone by a student while school is in session is not allowed. Students who use cell phones at school will have the cell phone confiscated and the phone will only be returned to the parent/ guardian. If a cell phone is brought to school and is lost or stolen, the school is not responsible for the loss.
- Unauthorized electronic devices, such as handheld games and headphones, should not be brought to school. Students who bring unauthorized electronic devices will have them confiscated. If these items are brought to school and are lost or stolen, the school is not responsible for the loss. Authorization for having these devices on campus can only be given byAdministration.
- Consequences are as following:
- First Offense: The electronic device will be returned to the parent/guardian of the student.
- Second Offense: The electronic device will be returned to the parent/ guardian of the student and the student will receive detention.
- Third Offense: Parents must sign paperwork acknowledging the electronic device will be returned at the end of the academic year.
- Failure to surrender items will result in a disciplinary consequence.